CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. We will not be reopening in this location.

I cannot recommend Jason’s Heart Yoga classes enough. The amount of thoughtfulness, research, insight, and HEART that goes into each and every class is truly astounding, and I’ve reaped the benefits in so many ways – spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

A friend introduced me to his classes on Zoom during the Covid quarantine, and I’m still totally hooked three years later. I’m a professional dancer in NYC, who never imagined taking online yoga classes – from my small studio apartment – would become my go-to for maximizing my athleticism and health – helping to improve my strength, flexibility, and overall appreciation of my body.

Not only have Jason’s classes help me get into the best shape of my life, but, most importantly, I feel more empowered in my own skin and find myself wanting to embrace my shape at any size.

HeartYoga is truly a unique and special community that will help you embody a more holistic sense of health and vibrancy in every area of life. You’ll laugh, learn, sweat, push, grunt, and smile in every class. Treat yourself to just one hour to start, and experience firsthand how HeartYoga is truly a gift that keeps on giving!!